Archive | February 2018

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February 28, 2018

Last night I got less than seven hours of sleep, so I’ve felt tired all day. I imagine the same will happen tonight. When I got to work I was off desk for two hours. I started my day by composing Thank You notes for the two paramedics who presented last night. I also emailed […]

February 27, 2018

This morning I woke up in time to run on the elliptical, get ready, eat lunch, and get to work by noon. I had two walkthroughs when I got to work. I refilled DVDs, updated the webpage for today’s tech class, and talked to the teen librarian about the adulting class tonight and the future […]

February 26, 2018

Last night I didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked. I got to bed a little after midnight and I woke up a couple times throughout the night, including this morning at 5:37AM. Not a great time to wake up when my alarm is set for six o’clock. It was tempting to […]

February 25, 2018

I got seven hours of sleep last night and then watched videos with what was left of my morning. Then I got ready, ate lunch, and then went to my Mom’s house. My sister was already there and we headed down to the library for the book sale. It was pretty well picked over, which […]

February 24, 2018

This morning I woke up early, after less than seven hours of sleep, and I’m not sure why, but I rolled with it. I read a graphic novel for awhile before getting out of bed. And then I didn’t really do much with the rest of my day. I watched videos, played video games, and […]

February 23, 2018

I got about seven and a half hours of sleep last night, ran on the elliptical when I woke up, and then went to work. I was on desk for two hours when I got to work and I answered a lot of phone calls. I also talked to my boss and one of the […]

February 22, 2018

This morning I woke up at six o’clock, after getting about five and a half hours of sleep, and then I ran on the elliptical for fifteen minutes. When I got up and grabbed my phone (because I use it as a timer for running) I saw the text message saying the school district was […]

February 21, 2018

This morning I woke up before my alarm so I played Subnautica for about an hour before running on the elliptical and getting ready. In that time I built my first Seamoth (a one-person submarine), and also had my first Seamoth destroyed by a scary sea creature. Luckily I wasn’t killed, but it was close. […]

February 20, 2018

This morning I didn’t wake up until eleven o’clock. It’s been a little while since that has happened. But I was up way too late last night and I got a full eight hours of sleep to make up for it. Most of my day was just playing video games. I broke down and bought […]

February 19, 2018

Last night I got somewhere on the wrong side of six hours of sleep. It was not enough. I got to work at eight o’clock, checked email, and talked to my coworkers until it was time to head over to the auditorium for the meeting. The first presentation of the day was about active shooter […]